Restoring your Smile


A filling is an artificial material used to fill up missing tooth structure. Fillings may be necessary when your tooth structure has been destroyed by decay, cracks or wear and tear.

At SSD, your tooth will usually need to be prepared prior to the cavity being filled up. Where decay is present, it will first need to be cleaned thoroughly to remove all the diseased tooth structure. This prevents the bacteria from further attacking the tooth structure and restricts the progression of the cavity. In chipped or worn teeth, the sharp or rough edges will be smoothened to allow for the fillings to best stick to the teeth. Following this, the tooth can be restored to the appropriate form using a variety of filling materials.

Fillings are a conservative and simple way to repair lost tooth structure. Fixing decays when they are small helps to reduce the need for more major treatment such as root canals or extractions. They can also help to reduce sensitivity and restore bite and aesthetics.

In situations where the tooth loss is too extensive, fillings may not always be feasible and other treatments such as crowns or onlays may be required.

Crowns and Bridges

A dental crown is a cap that fully covers a tooth. It can be thought of as a helmet which protects a tooth against the forces experienced during biting. Onlays can be thought of as partial crowns which can be a more conservative yet still protective treatment option.

Crowns or onlays may be required when a tooth has lost too much structure and is beyond the ability of a filling to restore. Crowns and onlays are hardier and more lasting compared to fillings and can prevent further tooth loss which may result from repeated fillings.

Cracked and worn teeth are increasingly common and can result from tooth grinding, clenching or hard foods. Crowns, when done promptly, can prevent cracks and wear from progressing towards the nerve and may save you from painful toothaches. However, if a tooth’s nerve does become infected and requires a root canal treatment, crowns can be an important follow-up treatment to prevent the brittle root treated tooth from fracturing.

Crowns can also be a great way to improve the shape, alignment or colour of teeth, restoring both function and aesthetics.

A bridge is used to replace missing teeth and consists of an artificial tooth which is connected to neighbouring teeth via small wings or crowns. They are a comfortable way to replace missing teeth non-surgically.

At SSD, crowns and bridges are usually done over 2 visits. At the first visit, the teeth will be prepared and mould made, which is sent to a dental lab. A temporary crown or bridge will be placed to protect your teeth until the crown or bridge is ready. At the 2nd visit, it will be checked for a good fit, bite and aesthetics prior to its final cementation.


A denture is a removable set of artificial teeth which can replace missing teeth to restore your smile and function. It is a versatile solution which may replace anything from a single tooth to an entire jaw of teeth.

Dentures are a non-invasive and simple treatment option which can not only replace missing teeth, but can also help to create support for your cheeks and lips which may have sunken in if many teeth have been missing for a long period of time. They may also help to restore aesthetics and improve speech in a quick and easy way. This makes dentures a great choice for those with certain medical conditions, or are unable to place implants or bridges due to limitations of the jaw or tooth structures.

They can also be fabricated prior to extractions to provide you with an immediate replacement of teeth following extractions, so you will never have to go toothless! Dentures can be selected as the long-term replacement of teeth or as an interim while waiting for the site to be ready for an implant or bridge.

At SSD, we make the necessary moulds and records of your teeth and jaw structures, and work closely with our dental lab to fabricate well-fitting dentures. This may take between 2 to 5 visits.

Dental Implants

A dental implant is a titanium fixture that is placed within the jawbone which helps to replace a missing tooth or teeth. An implant provides rock-solid support for a restoration above it, which may be a crown, bridge or denture.

Implants function virtually like real teeth. They are stable, strong and long lasting and can help to restore function and aesthetics in a natural way.

At SSD, we work closely with experienced surgeons who place the implants under the guidance of the appropriate digital X-rays. One the implant is suitably stable, moulds and records of your other teeth and jaw structures are made to fabricate the required restoration. Once the final restoration is complete, you can look forward to a great eating experience and smile!

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