Examining your Smile

Oral Check-Ups

At their early stages, many dental and oral issues do not present with any symptoms. This makes regular check-ups important even if you do not feel any pain or discomfort.

At SSD, we perform thorough dental and oral examinations to ensure your teeth, gums and oral health are at tip-top condition, or to detect any problems before they become more advanced. Specialised tests, along with digital X-rays allow us to holistically assess your oral health.

After checking your teeth, we will follow up with a discussion to formulate an individualised treatment plan best suited to your needs.

Digital X-Rays

Digital X-Rays allow for the detection of many dental problems that are invisible to the naked eye.

At SSD, we offer a range of X-rays such as Bitewings, Periapical Radiographs, Orthopantomograms (full mouth X-rays), and CBCT (3D  complement the oral examination and allow us to formulate a comprehensive diagnosis.

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